Ultimate Gifts Bringing Fulfilment to Life


Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® Programme Including Yogic Flying®

Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health is destined
to create a disease-free, healthy, enlightened society.

Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme—the experience of pure consciousness which is the basis of perfect health, is the main pillar of Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health.

More than 600 scientific studies, conducted at over 200 independent research institutions in 30 countries, objectively document the profound benefits of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme, and prove its extraordinary value to promote balanced functioning on all levels of mind, body, and behaviour, to reverse the detrimental effects of the ageing process, and to reverse trends of ill health.

Refer to Scientific Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme: Collected Papers, Volumes 1-5, MUM Press [over 5,000 pages; Volumes 6­7 are in press].


Scientific Research: www.tm.org/research-on-meditation

Transcendental Meditation more effective in reducing high blood pressure compared to other stress reduction programmes

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Learning Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation®
Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique must be learned from a qualified teacher of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme. The technique cannot be learned from a book, video or audio tape.  

For information on where to learn Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation in countries not listed below, please submit a request to www.tm.org/contact-us.

The following list represents only those countries which have established a website for promoting Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation in their country, but Transcendental Meditation is actually taught in over one hundred countries in the world.

Asia and Pacific
India: www.maharishi-india.org
Armenia: (please see under Europe)
Australia: www.tmprogram.com.au
China: www.tmchina.org
Hong Kong: www.tmhongkong.org
Japan: www.maharishi.co.jp
Kazakhstan: www.tm-meditation.kz
Malaysia: www.meditation.my
Nepal: www.maharishitm.org.np
New Zealand: www.tm.org.nz
Singapore: http://transcendentalmeditation.sg
South Korea: www.tm-korea.org
Taiwan: www.tm.org.tw
Thailand: www.rajapark.ac.th
Turkey: (please see under Europe)

North America
Canada: www.maharishi.ca
Mexico: www.mt.org.mx
USA: www.tm.org

South America
Argentina: www.mt.org.ar
Brazil: www.meditacaotranscendental.com.br
Chile: www.maharishi.cl
Peru: www.mtperu.com and www.perumeditacion.com

Israel: www.tm1.org.il
Lebanon and the Middle East: www.maharishitm.org
United Arab Emirates: www.tm.ae

Algeria: www.mt-algerie.org
Ghana: http://tmmeditationghana.org
Kenya: www.tmkenya.org
Nigeria: www.meditationnigeria.org
Republic of South Africa: www.tm.org.za

Albania: http://al.tm.org
Austria: www.meditation.at
Belgium: www.tm-mt.be
Croatia: www.tm-savez.hr
Czech Republic: www.tmcentrum.cz
Denmark: www.tmnu.dk
Estonia: www.tmkeskus.ee
Finland: www.tm-meditaatio.org
France: www.mt-maharishi.com
Germany: www.transzendentale-meditation.de
Greece: http://tm-gmdo.gr
Iceland: www.ihugun.is
Ireland: www.tm-ireland.org
Italy: www.mvu.it
Kosovo: http://al.tm.org
Lithuania: http://www.lt-tm.lt
Macedonia: http://mk.tm.org
Magyarország (Hamsa, Hungary): www.maharishi.hu
The Netherlands: www.tm.nl
Northern Ireland: www.tmbelfast.org
Norway: http://tm-meditasjon.no
Poland: www.idealnaedukacja.org
Romania: http://m-t.ro
Russia: www.maharishi-tm.ru
Serbia: www.stm.rs
Slovenia: www.atma.si
Spain: www.maharishiveda.com
Sweden: www.tm-meditation.se
Switzerland: www.meditation-tm.ch
Turkey: www.transandantalmeditasyon.com
Ukraine: www.tm.org.ua
United Kingdom: www.t-m.org.uk

'May the good belong to all the people of the world. May the rulers go by the path of justice. May the best of men and their source prove to be a blessing. May all the world rejoice in happiness. May rain come in time and plentifulness be on earth. May the world be free from suffering and the noble ones free from fear.'—Maharishi

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