Ultimate Gifts Bringing Fulfilment to Life


National Day Calendar
Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace
Celebrates the National Days of All Nations

Ringing the Bell of Invincibility for Every Nation

'It is a fortunate time, indeed, for all mankind, that we are able to feel in one impulse the breath of invincibility to all nations.' —Maharishi

Maharishi's programmes are restoring Vedic Civilization on earth—raising every individual to enlightenment and every nation to enjoy real freedom—self-sufficiency in invincibility.

Governments will begin to experience support of Natural Law—rise of the dignity of their sovereignty.

Every government will gain the ability to fulfil their parental role for their whole population.

The maps and anthems for all nations can be enjoyed by everyone at this lovely presentation.

Website: calendars.globalgoodnews.com

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'May the good belong to all the people of the world. May the rulers go by the path of justice. May the best of men and their source prove to be a blessing. May all the world rejoice in happiness. May rain come in time and plentifulness be on earth. May the world be free from suffering and the noble ones free from fear.'—Maharishi

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