Ultimate Gifts Bringing Fulfilment to Life


Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture
Around the World

Healthy Food for Happy Life

A USDA Organic Certifying Agency

Maharishi is offering his Vedic Knowledge of total Natural Law to create a better quality of life through Maharishi Vedic Oranic Agriculture, with participation from farmers in developing nations.

National self-sufficiency, good health for all, and the foundation for permanent world peace will be the harvest of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture.

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture goes beyond the most rigorous existing standards for pure, organic food. By using the ancient Vedic Agricultural technologies revived by Maharishi, farmers rise to higher consciousness and live life in harmony with all the Laws of Nature.

'"Agri-Culture" means agreeing with the culturing intelligence of Nature. This is the intelligence that cultures creation, the culturing intelligence of Natural Law.

'To agree with this almighty culturing intelligence of Natural Law, the Will of God, is the theme of Maharishi Vedic Agriculture.' Maharishi

Website: www.mvoa.com

Email: MVOAL@Maharishi.net
Tel: +43-1-54-680-5381
Fax: +43-1-54-680-0381

Tel: +81-(0)-3-3365-2107
Fax: +81-(0)-3-3365-2102

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'May the good belong to all the people of the world. May the rulers go by the path of justice. May the best of men and their source prove to be a blessing. May all the world rejoice in happiness. May rain come in time and plentifulness be on earth. May the world be free from suffering and the noble ones free from fear.'—Maharishi

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