Ultimate Gifts Bringing Fulfilment to Life


Maharishi's Peace Government
To Create an Enlightened Society and a
Unified Family of Nations

Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace is establishing Maharishi's Peace Government in 108 countries, to raise the administration of existing man-made governments to the perfect administration of Nature's Government.

Maharishi's Peace Government sets forth a system of administration that will transform life on earth from an age of struggle and strife to a new civilization of Heaven on Earth, by taking all systems of administration to the supreme level—the Will of God—available in the Atma, the Self, of everyone.

Maharishi Peace Palaces
Maharishi's Peace Government will implement Maharishi's Programmes to raise every individual to enlightenment and every nation to enjoy real freedom - self-sufficiency in invincibility, through 3,000 Peace Palaces planned for the largest cities of the world. Maharishi Peace Palaces will...

"perpetuate the knowledge that has proven itself to be complete knowledge of the nature of man. The entire divine power in man will now have a permanent home everywhere in every country.'

Maharishi Peace Palaces will also host large numbers of peace-creating experts whose daily practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme Including Yogic Flying effectively defuse the acute stress that gives rise to all behaviour that brings unhappiness to the family of man.

Peace Palaces are oases of peace for the stress-ridden cities of the world and produce an influence of harmony in world consciousness. Every Peace Palace will be cherished in its city for its most noble influence of peace in the world in this generation and for all generations to come.

With the creation of 3,000 Maharishi Peace Palaces around the world, the life of the people in every country will begin to experience a lessening of problems, and governments will begin to experience support of Natural Law.

Every government will gain the ability to fulfil their parental role for their whole population.

Permanent Peace:

Invincible Defence:

Maharishi Central University—Training a new generation of leadership and promoting peace for the world:

Six-point programme to create a healthy, happy society, and peaceful world:

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Maharishi Peace Palaces:

Silent Administration:

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'May the good belong to all the people of the world. May the rulers go by the path of justice. May the best of men and their source prove to be a blessing. May all the world rejoice in happiness. May rain come in time and plentifulness be on earth. May the world be free from suffering and the noble ones free from fear.'—Maharishi

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